
We are inviting you to our kid’s end-of-the-year art exhibition Saturday, 8 June 2024, at 18:30. The works are from Nimac’s educational program art and theater workshops. Don’t miss this opportunity to see the creative work of our young artists! 🎨🎭
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In 1978, eager to explore the world beyond Europe, I set off for Guyana where I lived for six years. When I arrived I had little knowledge of this former British sugar colony on the northeast coast of South America. Its legacy as a country is founded on the African slave trade and subsequently “coolie”...
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Staging Playtimes A location drawing workshop for children   Sunday 2 June, 9:00am-12:00pm @ Athalassa Park  Age: 7-12 Educator: Simone Philippou * Limited availability ** The workshop is free of charge  Reservations: 22797400  Participants will be guided into a drawing exercise to document impressions from Athalassa Park which will be the guiding inspiration for this year's Cyprus...
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Στο πλαίσιο των εκπαιδευτικών προγραμμάτων, για παιδιά από 7 μέχρι 10 ετών, της έκθεσης “Φανερώματα: Όψεις του αλλόκοσμου στη ζωγραφική και το σχέδιο” οι μικροί μας φίλοι και φίλες θα εξερευνήσουν το κίνημα του σουρεαλισμού και θα δημιουργήσουν ατομικά και συλλογικά έργα τέχνης. Μέγιστος αριθμός παιδιών 10. Κράτηση απαραίτητη! Εκπαιδευτικα Προγράμματα Σάββατο: 27 Απριλίου |...
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   Panagiotis Mina     Saturday 27 April |19:30  AV performance *  pseudaemonia. A familiar exorkism Short description ψευδαιμόνια ψευδαιμόνια ψευδαιμόνια ψευδαιμόνια ψευδαιμόνια ψευδαιμόνια ψευδαιμόνια ψευδαιμόνια ευδαιμόνια ψευδαιμόνι ψευδαμόνιαευδαιμόνιαψευδαιμόνευδαιμυδαιμόνιαευδαιευδαιμόνιυδαιμόνιαδαιμόνιιμόνιυδαιμόνια ψευδαόνψεαιμόνευδαιμόνια Short Bio Panagiotis Mina (b. 1982, BA Communication Culture and Media) is interested in the concept of noise and interruption within cultural norms. He has been...
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NiMAC starts to actively collaborate with universities by offering internships to students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. These positions are open to individuals who share a keen interest in learning and participating in the intricate and diverse processes of a cultural institution dedicated to advancing modern and contemporary art. Young people who are affiliated...
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  Announcement: Pierides Foundation appoints Dr Elena Stylianou as the new Director of NiMAC The Pierides Foundation is excited to announce that as of January 1st, 2024, Dr Elena Stylianou will serve as the new Creative Director of the Nicosia Municipal Arts Center [NiMAC], Associated with the Pierides Foundation. From this position, Dr Stylianou will...
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EVROVIZION focuses on less visible and marginalised geopolitical and cultural spaces, in particular in southeastern and eastern Europe. These are so-called “semi-peripheries'' and “places of diversity” that often play only a minor role in many international theoretical discourses and exhibition practices. In close cooperation with regional protagonists and each local art scene, new artistic projects...
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The Nicosia Open Up Festival – A festival open to all is a multi-dimensional arts festival that features an art exhibition, performances, an open discussion, lectures–performances, video-installations, multifaceted art activities, music, screenings, a street party, culinary events and workshops. The four- day events of the festival begin on Thursday, 19 October 2023, with the opening...
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