Performance: A Book of Small Things, 2016
Day: Saturday, May 27
Time: 12:00 – 20:00
Place: Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre, Associated with the Pierides Foundation
[Palias Ilektrikis 19, 1016 Nicosia, T: 22797400, www.nimac.org.cy]
Performers: Julia Brendle and Dimitris Chimonas
A Book of Small Things, a work by Panayiotis Michael in collaboration with: Pascalle Burton, Isabel Carvalho, Peter Eramian, Erden Kosova, Flavia Malusardi, Iordanis Papadopoulos, Christopher Rey Pérez, Maria Petrides and Liv Strand, is a pocket size book collection. Panayiotis Michael, taking on the callings of a performing publisher, invited nine writers and visual artists to contribute by offering pieces that have appeared elsewhere independently, or written for the first time. Michael welcomed fragments, seemingly “incomplete” lines, notes, scribbles, neglected texts on art or from a lecture, and social commentary. Each contribution appears in an individual book adjoining the other writers’ books.
To present this book collection, Michael invites performers to walk, in live action, through art museums and/or art centers, reading fragments of their own choice to visitors, guards, artworks, etc.